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Benefits of Getting a Tooth Repair

If you have any teeth that are damaged or need any type of repair, teeth fillings can help get your teeth back to normal. Teeth fillings have many benefits for your teeth and oral health. Here are some of the great benefits of tooth repair.

Stop Cavities From Growing

Cavities are not good to leave alone, or they can get worse. Get them filled as soon as you notice them. Your dentist will clean out the tooth that is decayed and pour a filling material to seal the hole that has been created. This tooth repair will ensure that this cavity will not grow and get worse as well as stop any toothaches you are having because of it.

Return to the Original Structure of Teeth

Tooth repairs can improve the structure of your tooth. This can even be from filling a cavity as mentioned. This filling will give your teeth that needed support. This is very important to ensure that all of your teeth are staying in place.

Protect Teeth From Future Decay

Damaged teeth are not good to keep left untreated. Holes and gaps in your teeth can trap food and debris. This can cause tooth decay and can cause pain when eating, so it’s best to get this taken care of as soon as you feel this discomfort. Postponing tooth repair can cause more problems for your oral health, so it’s important to visit a trusted dentist for tooth repair.

Improve Your Teeth Color

Drinking and eating certain products as well as smoking can stain your teeth and can cause your teeth to become damaged. Having stained teeth isn’t visually appealing and can cause people to feel insecure about their smiles. This is where tooth repair can help you gain your confidence back with composite fillers. This will help cover up your teeth’s surface with a filling material that is tinted to match your tooth color.

According to animated-teeth.com, it was reported that in the 2,340 crowns that were placed by a prosthodontist, there was a survival rate of 97% at 10 years. We offer crown repair as well as normal tooth repair, so if you require any of these services, contact us today to visit a dentist near you.